Firefly: Shine Your Bright, Inner Light

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“Someday perhaps the inner light will shine forth from us, and then we’ll need no other light.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

It was a mid-June evening with the warm and peaceful air smelling like fresh cut grass. Hunter and I stood under the silver dollar moon watching in awe at nature’s magical performance. A swarm of fireflies danced around the sky creating a spectacular light show illuminating the night. Captivated by their essence, we felt transported into magical land of wonder and beauty.

But, the real magic wasn’t the show itself. It was seeing one of God’s creatures living and flying free as they were meant to be with ease and grace.

We can learn so much from these tiny creatures who light up the summer night. During the day, they look an average bug. But at night, their true beauty of illumination is revealed.

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Psalm 118: Be Thankful

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good: his love endures forever.”
– Psalm 118:1

I had an assignment this week. My pastor at my church asked the congregation to read Psalm 118 and let him know what we learned. “Yes!” I thought. My inspiration for writing this week was handed to me on a silver platter. Definitely made my job easier. And, this came at a timely manner. With financial struggles and family issues on the forefront, I needed to reflect on the positive things with deeper faith God will carry me through.

After listening, reading and studying Psalm 118, I learned this is a reminder we have so much to be thankful for. God is good and loves us no matter what our circumstances are, what we have done or what we haven’t done.

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