Every Moment Matters

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
Psalm 90:12

We rush to wake up in the morning to get ready for work and our kids to school. 

We drive on autopilot hurrying to the next destination not knowing how we got there.

We mindlessly eat our lunches not paying attention to what we’re eating so we can return to work ASAP. Or worse… we work through lunches while we’re eating.

Because we have so much stuff to do at night, we rush through cooking missing smell of our home cooked meal.

When a friend talks about their problem, instead of being a good listener our minds wander thinking about yesterday’s incident on repeat mode.

We rush. We hurry. We don’t pay attention. We live on autopilot. We miss our sacred moments. 

Constant overload. Never resting. Always worrying. Overfilling our plates. All. The. Time.

This way of life is complete and utter nonsense. It doesn’t serve us, God or anyone around us. Call it ridiculousness.

And I am guilty as charged. My sentence is the mental prison chained to the limitations of wasted time and lost moments. The only way to break free is to listen and act on God’s charge for us.

The Bible states God wants us to live with awareness“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10. God wants us to be present with all our experiences so we can feel His love and hear Him speaking to us. He wants us to be aware to serve, live with purpose and to love others.

To live, breath and act according to God’s will, we must be aware of what we are doing, thinking and feeling. If we are too busy, overloading our schedule, worrying about things that don’t matter, we lose our connection to God.

But when we slow down and take a deep breath, we have the ability to make our moments matter. Small moments. Ordinary moments. Mundane moments. Big, earth shattering moments. Life changing moments. Every moment.

Every day we either gain an opportunity to use our time wisely or lose an opportunity by wasting our time. We can be aware of your life by being present or miss precious moments by not paying attention. The choice is ours. 

When you make every moment matter, your time with friends and family is richer. Your connection to God is deeper and stronger. You’re more creative and become an open vessel for new ideas and effective solutions. You live each day to your fullest by tasting the food you eat, hearing the music on the radio, feeling the warm breath of your kids when they hug you, seeing the sunset on your drive home, and feeling the peace and grace of God’s presence

When you are at church, listen to the sermon. Every word. When your friend tells you about their tough day, hear their struggles with all your heart. When you are with our kids, laugh with them and see their bellies vibrant with every giggle. When you watch a movie, be drawn in with your full attention. Immerse yourself in every scene.

Savor the life God has given you by choosing to live your life with purpose and meaning. The Bible says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”Ephesians 2:10.

What is God calling you to do with your life? God has chosen you. You are uniquely made with mission built for you based your talents and abilities. He wants to be aware of this calling and walk with a mission to serve others in the best way you can. 

God wants you to make every moment matter. To make your life matter. And to love one another to make their lives matter. Choose today to make every single moment of your life matter to live the life God has meant for you to live.

Photo by Kevin Delvecchio on Unsplash